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bulletEMO's daughter Anne O'Donnell Clark just sent in a nice pix of her grand-daughters Martha & Mary Clark, Tessie Dalbo and Coral Ostrom...enjoy!

bulletEMO's grand-daughter Connie Clark Dalbo just sent in some news & pix.  Connie & hubbie Bob will be celebrating their 25th Anniversery this summer.  The kids (George, 22, and Tessie, 19) will surely be springing for the tab! 

bulletEMO's daughter Mary O'Donnell Montague just sent in some pix of the Montague Family Thanksgiving 2005 - click here for some photos of the celebration! special thanks to Tom Montague for the images!

bulletEMO's newest great-great grand-daughter Mary Kate Rewakowski (born 18 October 2005) with brothers Brendan & Noah!


EMO's grandson Patrick O'Donnell & wife Kelli just sent in some pix of a double-header ceremony: little Sarah O'Donnell's Christening & the Confirmation of EMO's great-grand-daughter Meaghan Leon.  EMO's son, EMO Jr., was on hand.  Lots of O'Donnells, Koncaks & Whatnot, too numerous to name!

bulletEMO Jr., himself & wife Cathy, with daughter Maureen's kids Andrew, Alicia, Carrie, Rory and Meaghan (holding Sarah)
bulletEMO Jr. & Cathy (front) with Ann & Frank Clark, and Mary Montague (behind)

EMO's daughter Anne O'Donnell Clark just delivered some great photos for all the O'Donnells...enjoy!


EMO's grand-daughter Molly Clark Hocker with husband Matt Hocker living in New Hampshire...


...and here's Anne with Matt & Molly's son Avery!


Molly's older kids Aaron & Coral


Frank Clark & Avery


EMO's great-grandson Eoin O'Carroll with his fiancé Kelly


EMO's great-grand-daughters Lacey & Paige Boschette (grandkids of Larry & Margie Clark)

bulletEMO's daughter Mary O'Donnell Montague just sent in a snappy picture - her son Jerry popped into town in September for a quick visit on sabbatical leave from Barry University, so why not get together?
bulletLeft to right: Jim, Tom & Jerry, with Ellen next to Mary
bulletWhite beards always indicate great wisdom, do they not?


Construction's finally finished & the new 2nd-floor renovations are complete for EMO's great-grand-daughter Carrie Murphy Rewakowski.  Carrie & hubbie Dan raised the roof on their Lawndale Ave bungalow to make room for the growing clan (Brendan, Noah & the expected baby girl to show up any minute now).  Of course, Dan & Carrie spent most of the spring & summer slumming it with Jim & Beth Montague at 501 Winkworth Pkwy while the renovations were completed.  It says here that Carrie's finally moved up in style from Vermont Ave to St. Charles Place!

Out with the old...2001

In with the new...2005


Dan, Carrie, Brendan & Noah with Jim & Beth on their last night at 501 Winkworth Pkwy (August 2005)


"What, no AC?  No problem!"  Kristin, Kelly, Brendan & Noah soak up the heat in July 2005!


Here are a couple of new photos just in from the St. Pat's Irish Festival (July 2005)!

bulletAny guesses on who's this pesky papparazi video-taping Quigsy & the Bird?
bulletJim & Noah hit the vendors at St. Pat's!

EMO's grand-daughter Anne Quigley Coley is just swimming along - at top speed, that is.  On 16 July she captured an age-group U.S. Masters Swimming Championship on Mirror Lake in Lake Placid (big ups to hubbie Mike Coley for the pix).  Anne sprinted home in the Two-Mile Open Water event in 51 minutes, 16 seconds - well done, young lady!

Anne enters the event...

...crushes the competition...

...and snags the gold!

bulletEMO's grand-daughter Marnie Quigley Kern just sent in a picture of her son RJ and his new bride Nicole.  They met in February 2004 - Nicole works at the Denver Allergy Clinic.  She graduated from the University of Denver in June 2004 (Summa Cum Laude in Math and Chemistry) & is currently working on a masters degree in immunology at U. Colorado-Boulder.


EMO's daughter Mary O'Donnell Montague Herself has been rummaging through the old photos this summer.  Here's a pair for all the O'Donnell's to enjoy!

Four generations of O'Donnell girls in 1977:

EMO's wife Florence with daughter Mary, grand-daughter Ellen & great-grand-daughter Carrie

Great-Grandma Mary with little Noah Rewakowski in 2004

There's a brand-new O'Donnell out there!  EMO's great-grand-daughter Sarah Koncak O'Donnell was born on 14 July 2005, tipping the scales at a svelte 8 lbs., 2 oz.  Proud parents Patrick & Kelli O'Donnell are doing just fine, too!

Sarah Konkack O'Donnell (b. 7/14/05)

Sarah with Mom, Dad & big brother Rory

bulletEMO's daughter Ann O'Donnell Clark & hubbie Frank recently welcomed home daughter Debbie & her Dublin-born hubbie Tom O'Carroll home for a summer Syracuse visit.  Tom & Debbie were traveling to Ohio for twin bookings at the 2005 Cleveland Irish Festival, Deb performing her Magical Theatre, and Tom performing his songs, tales & snappy patter.  Catch these two when you can!

EMO's daughter Mary O'Donnell Montague is just back from her annual family outing in the Adirondacks.  If you'd like to take a peek, click here for some photos of the excursion to Rocky Point 2005!

bulletEMO's grandsons Jim Quigley & Jeremy Montague joined Syracuse musician Jerry Berdan yet again as Quigsy & the Bird hit the stage at the 2005 St. Pat's Irish Festival in Syracuse (29 July)  Our boyos are looking fit & sassy, no?
bulletBlueberries, anyone?  EMO's great-grand-daughter Carrie Murphy Rewakowski & her son Noah picked up a storm of fruit at Hafners' on 26 July, providing Beth, Kristin & Kelly Montague with all the blueberries they needed for homemade pie & cake - Yummm!


EMO's great-grand-daughter Kristin Montague is just back from her Euro tour with the Dolan family from Cooper City, FL (Stacey Dolan & her daughter Jelly), having visited London, Paris and Athens.  Kristin's jet-lagged to beat the band, but full of stories about Greek baklava, French pick-pockets, you name it.  Welcome back, Kristin!

bulletAn America girl at the Awful, err, Eiffel Tower
bulletKristin joins the crowd of geeks a'gawkin' at Notre Dame
bulletThe home of gracious living in London
bulletKristin & the Acropolis...this dump hasn't been fixed up in years!

Good advice for travelers in London!

bulletHere's a great new link for all the O'Donnells - check out "Photos by Kadybugz!"  Of course, "Kadybugz" is none other than EMO's great-grand-daughter Katie Montague.  Katie's brother Patybugz promises to keep all the pictures G-rated & respectable.  Perhaps.  Only time will tell.  Well done, Kadybugz!
bulletLike EMO Himself long ago, great-grand-daughter Kelly Montague is setting herself up for a lucrative business venture this summer, earning her American Red Cross Babysitter's Training Certification in Davie, FL (6-11-2005).  Her first paying customer will no doubt be Cousin Carrie Rewakowski (EMO's great-grand-daughter) & little Brendan.  Carrie says she'll pay off for services rendered with Gannons Ice Cream, and that's definitely OK by Kelly!
bulletAnd speaking of little Brendan, here's a snappy Memorial Day 2005 snapshot of Mary E. Montague & Brendan fresh off of Kadybugz' new website!
bulletThe Summer 2005 Quiz Winner is EMO's Grand-daughter Ellen Montague Murphy Flynn!  Question: who were the 1960 "Winkworth Allstars?"  By the way, Holly Dorsch provided some assistance - thanks, La!

1960 Winkworth Allstars

Front row, left-to-right: Jack Jordan, Doc Quackenbush, Dick Guzikowski, Dave Thornton, Hank Fallon, Peter Pfohl.
Middle row, left-to-right: Joe Roth, Bill Dunn,
Jim Montague, Jacky Wymouth, Bill Nelson, John Shaulk, Andy O'Neill, Roger Merritt, Mike Ross.
Back row, left-to-right: Frank Jordan, Peter O'Neill, Mike Roth, Greg Thornton, Bill McNulty, Coach Bill Bright, Coach Lou Fernier, Jay Matthews, Bill Pfohl, Barry Thornton,
Jerry Montague.
bulletEMO's daughter, Mary Herself, is recovering from some minor surgery & chemotherapy last month at St. Joseph's Hospital.  All appears well with Mary as she gears up for another July with the Montague family at Inlet.  We'll be checking back with that later in the summer...stay hyper-linked!

EMO's grand-daughter Marnie Quigley Kern celebrates her son Sean's graduation from the Air Force Academy...Sean finished in the top 10% of his class (69th out of 922) as a Distinguished Graduate in biology, and travels next to the Armed Forces Medical School in Bethesda, MD...congrats, Sean!

EMO's great-grandson Sean Kern with Mom Marnie & Grand 'Rents Jeanne & Jim Quigley at Air Force Academy The Kerns & Quigleys gather to celebrate...
bulletAlso graduating this May 2005 is EMO's great-grand-daughter Katie Montague, earning her Masters in Education at LeMoyne.  Katie's a 2002 grad from U. Rochester & TCRG-certified Irish Dance instructor.  She'll continue her triple career of teaching in the Syracuse City School District, coaching cross-country at Corcoran High School, and teaching Irish Dance for the Drumcliffe School in Binghamton.  That's a full plate, no?  Congrats, Katie!

Katie in 2004 (second from the right) with brother Mike & her Florida cousins Kelly & Kristin Montague (by the way, Mike's currently a doctoral candidate at NYU & will head off soon for his second summer of research in physical anthropology in Ecuador!)

bulletEMO's grand-daughter Ellen Montague Murphy Flynn shows off her quilting skills in this April 2005 Post-Standard article on Central New York arts & crafts.  Ellen continues her second-career at JoAnn's Fabrics as we speak!
bulletEMO's grandson Jim Quigley continues to perform with the Irish folk duo "Quigsy & the Bird," along with Jerry Berdan (the Bird) - Q&B finished a marathon performance at Rileys (a.m.) and Hafners (p.m.) during their St. Pat's Day stint in March 2005!
bulletEMO's great-grandson Conor Murphy (son of Bob & Ellen Flynn) hit the Dean's List at Niagara University in Spring 2005.  His cumulative GPA sits at a phat 3.50, and that's just a titch higher than that of his dad (old DVM-III Himself) at Niagara in 1970.  Nice.  Congrats, Conor!

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