Updated eAccelerator download using latest code (cvs260 and 0.9.5 RC1).
Please find following the compiled binaries of eAccelerator for Windows
using Microsoft VC++ 6.
These binaries are built for 4.X PHP versions.
PHP 5 versions:
eAccelerator binaries for PHP 5.
eAccelerator windows binaries follow the naming conversion: eAcceleratorVVV_PHPVERSION.dll with:
VVV: the version of eAccelerator
PHPVERSION: the version of the targeted PHP
Example eAccelerator094_4.3.11.dll is built from eAccelerator version 0.9.4
targeting the php version 4.3.11.
You can rename your download following the "standard" names:
Help with
installing and configuring eAccelerator.
I can't possibly offer the combination of all PHP versions with all
eAccelerator versions. If you need one not offered here let me know (post
Technical Notes:
If a version of EA compiles directly, with no changes, you will not see an
additional "SiteBuddy" version. If you see a SiteBuddy version it means the
original code had to be modified with "known" published solutions to get it to
compile. The "SiteBuddy" version will be my custom brew, I think a lot better
since most of the time, I will use a file(s) from a later version (CVS) of
eAccelerator (with bugs fixed) to compile this version. So basically a "SiteBuddy"
version it kinda of a in between version. For example
eAccelerator094_Sitebuddy_4.4.2.dll could also be called
eAccelerator0941_4.4.2.dll since it is between 0.9.4 and 0.9.5....
File details, when applicable:
VERSION_Useful_File.zip contains the readme and the divers php files (control panel etc...).
The CVS versions use "Beta code".
eAccelerator094_Sitebuddy_4.4.2.dll: is build using some of the CVS files of
5_24_2006 (compiled with 0 warnings !)
Following you can download the eAccelerator binaries for your version of PHP.
Please post any positive or negative experience you have using these downloads. Avoid posting bugs related to
eAccelerator (binary bugs will most likely appear immediately: when loading or first use) ...
Post only issues relating to the eAccelerator downloads or requests. Please do not post support issues about eAccelerator
under this article.
You can do so in the eAccelerator Section of the Forums.