The X-Files Mythology Series
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The X-Files Mythology, Vol. 1 Abduction

The X-Files Mythology, Vol. 1 - Abduction

Studio: 20th Century Fox

The X-Files Mythology series consists of collections of episodes grouped around certain themes that were central to Chris Carter's gripping, funny, and sometimes impenetrable sci-fi/suspense/horror series. The 15 episodes in the first volume, Abduction, are culled from the first three seasons of the show, and they introduce FBI agent Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson), who has been assigned to keep tabs on her new partner, the eccentric Fox Mulder (David Duchovny).

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Buy The X-Files Mythology, Vol. 1 Abduction

The X-Files Mythology, Vol. 2 - Black Oil

The X-Files Mythology, Vol. 2 - Black Oil

Studio: 20th Century Fox

Black Oil, the second volume in the X-Files Mythology series, covers one of The X-Files' weirder concepts: the alien being that travels from host to host, occasionally revealing itself as it travels across a person's eyeballs. But the volume actually begins with a two-parter from season 3, "Nisei" and "731," in which FBI agents Mulder (David Duchovny) and Scully (Gillian Anderson) dig deeper into topics of post-World War II Japanese scientists conducting experiments on alien and human subjects, mass executions at a leprosy colony, Scully's own abduction experience and her sister's murder, and a possible alien-human hybrid being hidden aboard a railroad car.

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Buy The X-Files Mythology, Vol. 2 - Black Oil

The X-Files Mythology, Vol. 3 - Colonization

The X-Files Mythology, Vol. 3 - Colonization

Studio: 20th Century Fox

This set of 16 episodes bridges the 1998 feature film and also the series' relocation from Vancouver, B.C., to Los Angeles to accommodate the newly married David Duchovny. And it's here that Duchovny began to phase himself out of the series. The iconic shot of Mulder's face being stretched and tested early at the beginning of season 8 coincides with the introduction of a new agent who's leading the search for him--Agent John Doggett, played by Robert Patrick (best known for his role as the T-1000 assassin android in Terminator 2). Patrick would later be joined by Annabeth Gish, and that team, with assistance from Scully, would go on to finish the series after its ninth season.

More information at:
 Amazon UK The X-Files Mythology, Vol. 3 - Colonization  or  Amazon US
The X-Files Mythology, Vol. 3 - Colonization

The X-Files Mythology, Vol. 4 - Super Soldiers

The X-Files Mythology, Vol. 4 - Super Soldiers

Studio: 20th Century Fox

The fourth and final volume of the X-Files Mythology series picks up in season 8, with Agent John Doggett (Robert Patrick of Terminator 2) entrenched as the partner of Agent Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson). That leads to some obvious friction when Agent Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) makes an improbable return and finds himself shut out of the branch that he created and worked in for so long. Also making an improbable return is a young man named Billy Miles (Zachary Ansley), who after being pronounced dead, sheds his skin to become a Super Soldier, a nearly invulnerable alien assassin created to wipe out the human race as part of the colonization plot revealed in volume 3. Other super soldiers during the season included Lucy Lawless (Xena), Terry O'Quinn (Millennium), and Adam Baldwin (Firefly). While this seemed at times like a warmed-over version of the former green-blooded alien bounty-hunters arc, it took a different twist when it directly involved Scully's new baby, William.

More information at:
 Amazon UK The X-Files Mythology, Vol. 4 - Super Soldiers  or  Amazon US
The X-Files Mythology, Vol. 4 - Super Soldiers

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