Ordermaster Saga of Recluce Book 13 (Paperback) |
“This is one of the
better ones in this sequence, a nice mix of intrigue and overt
actions. . .I was entertained throughout, and that is all I really
was looking for.” –Chronicle |
Wellspring of Chaos Saga of Recluce Book 12 (Paperback) |
"The prolific
Modesitt's 12th Recluce fantasy, his first since 2001's Scion of
Cyador, delights from start to finish. . . . .In a genre
saturated with callow youngsters who grow into heroes, Modesitt
effortlessly builds an epic adventure around an ordinary,
middle-aged man. This marks a welcome new chapter in the Recluce
saga, with the ending all but promising a sequel."-Publishers
Weekly on Wellspring of Chaos |
Scion of Cyador Saga of Recluce Book 11 (Paperback) |
"Lacking the blind
commitment necessary for the calling of a mage, Lorn'alt joins the
Mirror Lancers of Cyador and quickly rises in the ranks through his
tactical brilliance and willingness to break the rules. With
success, however, comes rivalryDand as his land undergoes turmoil,
Lorn and his family become targets for a host of enemies. Modesitt's
latest novel in the "Recluce" series portrays the transformation of
a talented young man into a determined and deadly warrior who
struggles to maintain his compassion in the face of war's horrors.
The author displays a rare talent for portraying the day-to-day
affairs of a vividly detailed world in which chaos and order form a
dynamic duality. A good choice for most fantasy collections." --
Library Journal |
Magi'i of Cyador The Saga of Recluce Book 10 (Paperback) |
"The bzyantine nature
and political scheming of a declining empire are wonderfully woven
into the most compelling of tales."--Romantic Times |
Colors of Chaos Saga of Recluce Book 9 (Paperback) |
"This entry's a
direct sequel to the saga's most recent addition, The White Order
(p. 539), which followed the boyhood of the future wizard Cerryl,
and detailed his early adventures, revelations about his heritage,
and his destiny to join the great and powerful magicians in the city
Fairhaven. Readers will learn all about Cerryl's subsequent career
as a White Order wizard, although, chronologically, the actions take
place at the same time as a much earlier volume, The Magic Engineer
(1994). Should please the fans. Its a pity, though, that the
talented and versa tile Modesitt didn't choose to write something
new." -- Kirkus Reviews |
The White Order Saga of Recluce Book 8 (Paperback) |
"Another episode the
eighth so far in Modesitt's continuing battle between White (Chaos)
magic and Dark (Order) magic (most recently, The Chaos Balance,
1997). Young orphan Cerryl discovers that he has a talent for
glimpsing distant places and people in odd fragments of mirror; and
in a mostly illiterate society, he has a hunger to learn how to
read. Apprenticed to a kindly miller, whose daughter teaches him his
letters, young Cerryl learns the truth about his magic-touched
father, and resolves someday to travel to the city Fairhaven,
stronghold of the most powerful Chaos magicians, and there discover
his destiny. A quality series that's settled into a pleasantly
understated, modestly involving groove." -- Kirkus Reviews |
The Chaos Balance Saga of Recluce Book 7 (Paperback) |
"A writer of
exceptional fantasy, Mr. Modesitt leaves the reader in no doubt
about the price of power and the bittersweet triumph of the human
spirit in this splendid new Recluce adventure."--Romantic Times
"Modesitt's many fans will enjoy this, as will any reader who
relished intricate plotting, sympathetic characters, and action
galore."--Publishers Weekly
"A sturdy addition to a superior series."--Kirkus Reviews |
Fall of Angels Saga of Recluce Book 6 (Paperback) |
"The latest novel in
Modesitt's Recluce series is one of the best and most accessible for
readers new to the saga....Will hold existing series fans and
probably recruit some new ones." --Booklist |
The Death of Chaos Saga of Recluce Book 5 (Paperback) |
"Modesitt's leisurely
narrative pace belies the steady buildup of tension in a fantasy
that belongs in most libraries." --Library Journal |
The Order War Recluce series Book 4 (Paperback) |
"Although at times
his villains seem a touch unsophisticated and even simpleminded for
the evil they perpetrate, Modesitt creates a deeper and more
intricate world with each volume." --Publisher's Weekly |
The Magic Engineer Recluce series Book 3 (Paperback) |
"A young smith with
healing talents, exiled from the land of Recluce for his desire to
work with the stuff of chaos, becomes the fulcrum for a war between
the forces of chaos and order. This latest novel in Modesitt's "Recluce"
series demonstrates the author's subtle storytelling, as the
everyday lives of her characters intertwine with events of epic
proportions. Grand fantasy on a small scale, this intelligently
crafted novel deserves consideration by most libraries." --
Library Journal |
The Towers of the Sunset Recluce series Book 2 (Paperback) |
"A complex world
based on a plausible system of magic." -Publishers Weekly
"I could not put it down. This is an
outstanding fantasy tale." -Andre Norton |
The Magic of Recluce Recluce series Book 1 (Paperback) |
"A complex world
based on a plausible system of magic and peopled with engaging and
realistic characters." --Publishers Weekly
"Entwining issues of magic with maturation, Modesitt's thoughtful
coming-of-age tale is adorned with a finely drawn, down-to-earth yet
dangerous world, and an intriguingly ambiguous view of how good and
evil interact." --Carole Nelson Douglas, author of Probe |