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Larry Clark's family in 1999, left to right: Larry, Margie Dewey Clark, Emily (the bride), Laura, Martha, and Mary Kathleen

Larry Clark, son of Anne and Frank Clark, was born in 1950 in Syracuse.  He attended St. Ann's Elementary School, and graduated from Corcoran High School in 1969.  In his high school days, Larry played guitar and sang for several musical groups, including the folk-music group known as the Wanderers (including his O'Donnell cousins Peter Pfohl and Jerry Montague).

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The "Wanderers" in 1966, left to right: Larry Clark, Peter Pfohl, Jerry Momtague, and George Hueber.

Larry has been a life-long history buff, with particular interest in the U.S. Civil War.  He received his B.A. in history (1973) and M.S. in education (1980) from SUNY-Oswego.  He taught in the Newark Public School system in the 1980's, then entered private business as a purchaser for Burleigh Industries.  Today, Larry is Burleigh's purchasing manager.  He is active in the National Association of Purchasing Managers, serving as national treasurer (1998-present).

Margie Dewey was born in Minetto, New York in 1951.  She met Larry in college (she received her B.S. in education from SUNY-Oswego in 1973 ).  Larry and Margie wed in 1973, and have raised four daughters (Emily, Laura, Martha, and Mary Kathleen).

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