Summer 2002

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More Summer 2002 pictures are pouring in...check out these winners!

EMO's daughter Jean O'Donnell Quigley with EMO's grand daughter Julie Quigley Smith & great grand kids Phil-IV and Thomas Smith - all at St. Pat's Irish Fest in July to hear Quigsy & the Bird (picture sent in by Hubbie Phil - thanks, Phil...keep 'em coming)!

EMO's grand daughter Molly Clark with her kids Coral & Aaron relaxing at Inlet in the Adirondacks (July 2002 - see more Clark & Montague Adirondack photos below!)


EMO's grand daughter Annie Quigley Coley (and Hubbie Mike) just wrote in with some family news about their kids Mike & Catie Coley:

"Mike works for The Pinnacle Group in Virginia Beach, VA where he sells employee benefit packages to businesses. He also valet parks at a restaurant on the beach on weekends during the summer for pocket money. He lives about 1/2 mile from VB and enjoys surfing, and camping in the Outer Banks. He loves Irish music, and was sorry to miss the St Pats party. (He was baptized in St Patricks!) Catie graduated from Old Dominion University in May 2002. She is an RN (just passed the exam two weeks ago) and works in the Pediatric ICU at the Hospital of the Kings Daughters in downtown Norfolk, Va. She is also a beach lover (but not a surfer) and spends her free time relaxing there. She lives near the Norfolk Naval Base."

EMO's great-grand daughter Kelly Montague celebrates her 10th birthday in style with Grandma Mary O'Donnell Montague (30 July 2002)!

Kristin & Kelly with Grandma Mary! Birthday Girl! Tine for cake!

EMO's daughters Mary O'Donnell Montague and Anne O'Donnell Clark hosted family get-togethers for the Montague's & Clark's this year in July at Rocky Point, Inlet up in the Adirondacks.  Lots of hiking, swimming & relaxing with the kids, grandkids & a couple of great-grandkids!  We expect lots of vacation photos - stay linked!

Here are some new Adirondack images just sent in by EMO's grandson Larry Clark (the handsome young man on the right) - enjoy!




EMO's great-great grandkids Paige Bochette & Brendan Rewakowski! A glorious sunset at Rocky Point!



Great-Grandma Ann with the kids... ...and Margie Clark resting after a grueling shopping spree in Raquette Lake!

And how about some more Adirondack photos?  Mary O'Donnell Montague's Clan has gotten so big, we had to shoot two pictures to get them all in!  Actually, they arrived in two shifts on the 26th & 27th (for the pictures & snappy shirts we thank EMO's grand-daughter Ellen Montague Murphy Flynn)!

Katie Montague with Sean, Kevin & Chris Murphy! 

Mary O'Donnell Montague's Clan

Front: Brendan, Kristin & Kelly; Middle: Ellen, Mary E., Carrie, Beth, Mary M. & Mame; Rear: Tom, Brice, Conor, Jerry, Dan, Tom P., Pat, John & Bob!

Montagues & Flurphys Conquer Blue Mountain!

At the 3,700-foot summit after a long, tough climb we find Sean Murphy, Katie Montague, Kelly Montague, Jerry Montague, Beth Montague, John Montague, Carrie Murphy Rewakowski, Kristin Montague & Conor Murphy!

Katie Montague & Sean Murphy on the top of Blue Mountain!

Another expedition under way...the Montagues & Fluphys set out to climb 3,700-foot Wakely Mountain...Dan schlepped Brendan all the way up to the top! 

Carrie & Brendan Rewakowski with Kristin & Kelly Montague at the top of Rocky Mountain! Kristin Montague "points" out Rocky Point, Inlet from the top of Rocky Mountain!
Kelly Montague's sittin' pretty on the top of Rocky Mountain! Mary Montague & Conor Murphy in the Fire Tower way up high atop Wakely Mountain!
Jerry Montague high up in the Fire Tower at the top of Wakely Mountain... ...while Conor Murphy & Kristin Montague sit way up on top of Rocky Mountain!

Speaking of the O'Carroll's & the Adirondacks, we ran into EMO's great-grandson Eoin O'Carroll, up from Boston with Tom & Debbie O'Carroll.  Eoin continues in his free-lance (i.e., hopelessly underpaid) writing career!

Noted writer & savvy world traveler Eoin O'Carrolll - read all about traveling on a shoestring at Eoin's on-line column!

EMO's grandson Jim Quigley revved up Quigsy & the Bird (Gerry Berdan, along with guest bassist Jerry Montague) at St. Pat's Summer Irish Fest (26 July 2002)!

Quigsy & the Bird trying to figure out where all these #*!&#! cables are supposed to go... ...then Gerry Berdan gets his instruments ready!

Quigsy tunes up as the crowd awaits... ...and they're off!

Quigsy & the Bird sing the classic sea shanty "Excursion around the Bay!"

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