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EMO's great-grand-daughter Katie Montague has it going now.  Check the Montague School of Irish Dance, up and running in Cortland (picture below borrowed from Kadybugz).  Katie's dancers will hit the stage later this month at the Cortland Celtic Festival (26 August)!


bulletJuly 2006 - here are three of our Marys up in the Adirondacks!
bulletOn the right: EMO's daughter Mary O'Donnell Montague Herself, with his great-grand-daughter Mary Elizabeth Montague, and EMO's newest Mary, great-great-grand-daughter Mary Cait Rewakowski, all enjoying a beautiful summer's day up in Inlet!

bulletEMO's daughter Mary O'Donnell Montague celebrates her 85th Birthday in grand style with her life-long friend & acclaimed artist Elizabeth Heuber (March 2006)!

bulletEMO's great-grand-daughters Kelly & Kristin Montague joined forces recently to host Kristin's "Sweet-16" birthday Party at Tree Tops Park in Davie, Florida (January 2006).
bulletThe girls are looking very chic, no?

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