Summer 2004

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EMO's grand-daughter Ellen Montague Murphy Flynn, Parish Administrator at St. Anns, has branched into the garment industry, taking on a part-time job at the cutting table with Jo-Ann's Fabrics in Fayetteville...we'll be posting some pix soon - stay hyperlinked!


It's a long story, but here goes.  Remember EMO's late grandson-in-law Donald V. Murphy III (1948-1986) & 1st husband to EMO's grand-daughter Ellen Montague?  Well, it turns out that DVM-III had a step-brother in France!  Back in the Normandy invasion (1944), Don's father (Donald V. Murphy, Jr.) was with the U.S. Army (with the Red Bull Express), and he had met a French woman, and, know.  Don left France in 1945, and his son (Daniel) was born in 1946.  Details are sketchy...DVM, Jr., died in 2000.  Little Daniel grew up to become Daniel Wappler, business executive and family man in Villecrenes near Paris.  Daniel's mother had saved some old letters from 1945, and so in 2001, Daniel was able to locate the Murphy family in Syracuse.  And just this year, Conor Murphy (fluent in French, by the way) spent the summer with the Wappler family, and working for Daniel's company.  We'll have more pictures & stories from Conor soon - stay hyperlinked!


Conor (holding Daniel's grand-son Liam) with Daniel's son Richard (holding his daughter Marie), Caroline & Antoine (Daniel's daughter & second son) in front (June 2004)


Conor was able to shed light on one major mystery - according to Conor, it's true - on the Sunny side of France they don't wear pants!


EMO's grand-son-in-law Mike Coley just sent in some great pictures from John Quigley's graduation party (17 July 2004 - thanks, Mike)...check out EMO's three daughters Ann Clark, Jeanne Quigly & Mary Montague (left) and grand-daughters Debbie O'Carroll, Connie Dalbo, Marnie Kern & Annie Quigley!


Ann, Jeanne & Mary... ...Debbie, Connie, Marnie & Annie!



Here's another nice picture from Mike...EMO's grandsons Jim Quigley, Larry Clark & Jeremy Montague (along with long-time friend Jerry Berdan) performing with "Quigsy & the Bird," one of Syracuse's older...err, "longer-lasting" Irish folk music groups!

Quigsy & the Bird in full flight...17 July 2004!



Up from Florida for a summer visit, we find EMO's great-grand-daughters Kristin & Kelly Montague in fine form...check out some cute pix below (snapped by your webmaster!):

Aunt Beth Montague shows Kristin how to cut that fabric! Kristin & Kelly show off their hand-made blankets...nicely done, girls!

Cousin Carrie Rewakowski & her handsome sons Brendan & Noah join the girls for some Carousel Mall shoppage! Kristin & Kelly all set for a good soaking at Niagara Falls!

Cousin Katie Montague shows Kristin the ins & outs of good lawn care! Kristin & Kelly with Aunt Beth high up on Ampersand in the Adirondaks!



Peter Pfohl, 1949-2004

We note with great sadness the passing of EMO's grandson, Peter Pfohl after a lengthy ordeal with cancer.  He is survived by his wife Brooke Estensen Pfohl, brothers Bill & Bob, sisters Sue, Kristen & Marlene, and a number of in-laws, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles & cousins.  His loving memory remains among all the O'Donnells.



More high school graduations to announce! EMO's great grand-daughter Katie Pfohl (Bill & Ginny's daughter) graduated 3rd in her class from Bowling Green High School in Kentucky...Katie now follows the footsteps of older brother Jeff and will enter Centre College (in Danville, Kentucky) in August.  Bill's sons Jeff & Brian were on hand...Jeff, a Ph.D. scientist (and 1992 Centre College grad), now lives in Albuquerque, NM)...Brian now works in the Psychology Department at Bates College in Maine (where his wife Meredith teaches math).

EMO's grandson Bill Pfohl, Jr. (far left) with daughter Katie, sons Jeff & Brian (& daughter-in-law Meredith) & wife Ginny (with her Mom, Anne Pasko) at Katie's June 2004 high school graduation!


EMO's grandson Jeremy Montague joins the 2004 list of graduates, this time in World Tae Kwon Do Federation Black-Belt advancement...Jeremy showed the young whippersnappers how it's done, earning  his 2nd-Dan Black Belt in a four-hour testing on 26 June at Florida Tae Kwon Do Center in Davie, FL!  (Our webmaster's a little black & blue & bloody red as he writes this, though...a warm soak in the tub & two tylenols tonight, for sure!)

Graduation Day for

the Black Belts!

That's our old guy on the far right with Master John Morales (4th-Dan) & Adam Sobiewski (2nd-Dan) in the back row, with Katie Dudenhofer (3rd-Dan) and Ross Tipping (brand-new1st-Dan) up front!


EMO's great-grandson R.J.Kern plans to show his wares at the Creekside Cellars Photo Show (26 June 2004) - check the website below, and best of luck R.J.!


With the summer time almost on us, let's check out some graduation pix.  EMO's great grand-daughters Kelly & Kristin Montague are wrapping up another one-year stretch at Pioneer Middle School in Cooper City, Florida...Kristin now moves on to 9th grade at Cooper City High School & will join the vaunted Cooper City High Marching Band!  Kelly moves on to 7th grade at Pioneer! 


Band girls Kelly & Kristin Montague getting ready for the end of the year concert at Pioneer Middle (3 June 2004)!

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