Spring 2004

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Going gently into that good night...EMO's grandson Peter Pfohl has entered hospice care in his Dallas home.  But even as his health fails, Pete still finds moments of happiness to share with us, including his recent May 2004 wedding to long-time companion Brooke Estenson.  At a time when all appears dark, it is joyful to see this loving couple letting their light shine most brightly...congrats, Pete & Brooke!

Hubbie: "I do!"

Wifee: "He better!"

Cutting the cake!

Peter & the Pfohls (March 2004): Bill, Sue, Kristen & Marlene

Pete sporting the first beard he's ever had (March 2004)


EMO's great-grandson R.J.Kern has joined the world-wide web, and offers up his digital slideshow for all to enjoy...thanks, Rob:

EMO's grandson Jim Quigley just sent in some pix from John Quigley's senior prom...

John & Kristy John & Mom (Loretta Quigley)

Rock & Roll old timers still on tour...EMO's grandson Jeremy Montague (on the red bass below) performed recently at the American Cancer Society All Night Walk-a-Thon in Miami.  Jeremy has performed for 15 years with his Barry University band mates Dr. George Cvejanovich on keyboards, Barry alum Nick Reising on drums, and the incomparable Steve Althouse ("Dr. Rock" himself) on lead guitar & vocals!  The group has a new CD in the works, so stay posted!

Barry University's "Dr. Rock & the Terminal Degrees" in fine form...14 May 2004

John Quigley just finished off a fine senior year of varsity hockey at West Genessee High School...John heads off next year to college lacrosse at Delhi...keep up the good work, John!

John  shows his stuff... Jim & Loretta Quigley with John

EMO's grand-daughter Anne Quigley Coley & Hubbie Mike are just back from San Diego after visiting daughter Catie (now a traveling nurse working at Childrens Hospital in San Diego in the PICU).

Anne & Catie in San Diego...2-2004! Anne & Mike take a Pub break! 

EMO's newest great-great-grandson just arrived...Noah Daniel Rewakowski, son of Carrie & Dan Rewakowski (2-19-2004)...congrats!

bulletNoah (8 lbs., 5 oz.) with Dan, Carrie & Brendan...all are doing well!

EMO's great grand-son Kevin Murphy is completing his college program in forest technology at SUNY-ESF's Ranger School at Wanakena, and he just won the 2004 Phillip J. Haddock Award for for academic excellence and campus leadership!  Congratulations, Kevin!


Academic accolades go out also to EMO's great-grandchildren Conor Murphy, Mary Montague, and Evan Flynn, all three having successfully navigated the treacherous waters of 1st-semester college (each finished with cum GPA's above 3.00 -  Conor at Niagara University, Mary at Cornell, and Evan at St. John Fisher)...congrats to all three!

Back in the summer daze...

Evan, Mary & Conor (June 2003)


EMO's great-grand-daughter & grand-daughter-in-law Katie & Beth Montague just returned home after a successful performance at the prestigious Disney Half-Marathon in Orlando (8 January 2004)...both finished the 13 miles in just under two and a half hours...well done, ladies!

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