July-December 2001

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How about some O'Donnell Holiday pictures?

Let's start with the Dorrances, from Brantingham Lake, summer 2001!  (EMO's grandaughter Sue Pfohl Dorrance with hubbie Bert Dorrance, Jr., and the kids (Danny, Caitlin, Bert-III & fiancé Johanna).

EMO's daughter Anne O'Donnell Clark holds EMO's great-great-grand-daughter Paige Clark Boschetto as Frank Clark stands ready with the diaper bag (July 2001); Paige is the daughter of Sean & Emily Clark Boschette!

Not exactly a new picture, but we just got hold of is EMO daughter Anne Clark with part of her clan, standing left to right: George Dalbo, Tessie Dalbo, Frank Clark, Debbie Clark O'Carroll, Eoin O'Carroll, Anne Clark; sitting: Bob Dalbo, Connie Clark Dalbo, and Mary O'Donnell Montague (all at Emily Clark & Sean Boschetto's wedding in June 1999!

Also at the Boschetto's wedding in June 1999 - Molly Clark and Tessie Dalbo...

...and Bob Dalbo!

Also at the Boschetto's wedding in June 1999 - Back: Eric Christensen and Bert Dorrance-III (with fiancé Johanna) &Bert Dorrance; front: Carrie Murphy Rewakowski, Beth Montague, Marlene Pfohl Christensen, Mary O'Donnell Montague, Sue Pfohl Dorrance, and Ellen Montague Murphy Flynn

From Eagle Bay in the Adirondaks (July 2001) we see EMO grandson Larry Clark getting skinned at cards by his daughters Martha & Mary... Mary Clark with Emily Clark Boschetto & Baby Paige high up on Bald Mountain (July 2001)!



EMO's Grand-daughter Ellen Montague Murphy Flynn with all the Flurphys (12-2001): back row - Chris, Sean & Evan' middle row - Conor, Kevin, Moira & Brice, front - Dan, Carrie, Ellen & Bob, and of course, baby Brendan! From sunny South Florida (12-2001)...EMO's grandson Jeremy Montague with daughters Kelly & Kristin!

A Boy and his dog...EMO's great-great-grandson Brendan Rewakowski (12-2001) EMO's great-grandkids Chris Murphy and Katie & Pat Montague (11-2001)

Double-Trouble x Two!  EMO's great-grandtwins Chris & bearded Kevin Murphy and Katie & Mike Montague (11-2001)

EMO's great-grandkids Mike, Katie, Mary, and Pat Montague (12-2001)

OK, here's a whole bunch of EMO's great-grandkids all in one spot: Chris Murphy, Pat Montague, Conor Murphy, Kevin Murphy, Mike Montague, Mary Montague, Sean Murphy & Katie Montague (11-2001)!

EMO's great-grand-daughter Carrie Murphy Rewakowski with hubbie Dan & baby Brendan (11-2001)!

EMO's great-grandkids at Ellen Montague Murphy Flynn's house for Thanksgiving 2001: Kevin & Chris Murphy, Mary Montague, Conor Murphy, Sean Murphy, Moira Flynn & Katie Montague! 

Another of our Marys in the news...

An all-around scholar & athlete, Mary Elizabeth Montague (EMO's great-grand-daughter) sneaks in for a steal with the Corcoran High School varsity basketball team in 1-8-2002 game against Central Square.  Mary has already won varsity letters in softball and soccer at Corcoran.  In November 2001 Mary was chosen on the 1st-Team OHSL All-Star Soccer (all stars selected from six high schools)...all this on top of her 98% cum average!

Meanwhile, Mary's brother & EMO great-grandson Pat Montague also basks in the light of a recent award...

Pat's Maxin' & Relaxin'!

The Bellevue Country Club November 2001 Newsletter did an in-depth, tell-all expose on recent Employee of the Month winner Pat Montague!  Pat works alongside sisters Katie & Mary at BCC, bringing impeccable service, the finest food and snappy patter for the bridge-club ladies!


The good news is in from Dublin!!!

Katie Montague at the 1995 All-World Irish Dance Championships (Oireachtas Rince Na Cruinne)

Katie received official word in November 2001 that she passed her T.C.R.G teaching certification exam for Irish Dance on her first attempt - congrats!  She also received her green belt in Tae Kwon Do at the Tip Hill Tae Kwon Do School of Martial Arts!  Katie will continue her pursuit of a masters degree in education at LeMoyne in 2002.


The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree...

Kristin Montague (EMO's great-grand-daughter) took a Gold Medal at the 6th Annual Cooper City Innovation Zone Science Fair at Cooper City High School in South Florida (7 December 2001)!  Over 350 elementary school, middle school, and high school students participated.  Kristin was one of 12 entrants from Pioneer Middle School, and her project (Yoda's Law and the Growth of Plants) took 1st-Place in the Pioneer Botany division.  Well done, young lady!  (Kristin's father, Barry University biology professor Jeremy Montague, helped out a little!)


Another of EMO's great-grand-daughters made some sports news this fall.  Kelly Montague (Jeremy's daughter) played for the Cooper City Optimist 10&Under Fall 2001 Championship team, the White Lightning (12-3)!  (No, her dad didn't coach the team, as evidenced by the winning record, but he did run their website!):

Kelly Montague... and the Fall 2001 White Lightning!

Mary O'Donnell Montague's on the move!  She'll be relocating to High Acres (from Camillus) this month...maybe Conor Murphy will have a clean drivers license in time for packing!


Katie & Pat Montague (EMO's great-grandkids) have set themselves up in high fashion in a new apartment up on Tip Hill, just a stone's throw from....well, we'll let Pat tell you!  All signs point to this pad as the home of gracious living on the West Side. Pat's got dibs on the easy chair for re-runs of Friends!  Mother Beth might be do their laundry once in a while, but I wouldn't count on it.


Of all the Dumb Luck!  Dan Rewakowski just hit the jackpot by goin' fishin'!  Dan caught the first of 50 tagged fish released into Onondaga Lake to win the 2001 Ultimate Fishing Challenge!  1st-Prize: $20,000 worth of free furniture from Goldberg's!  What's 2nd-Prize?  You get to eat the fish, mercury and all?  Enjoy it while you can, Mister, because your wifee (EMO's great-grand-daughter Carrie Murphy Rewakowski) is going to have you rearranging that furniture every day for the next five years.  And your mother-in-law Ellen Montague Murphy Flynn just might decide to move in, to boot!


Dan Rewakowski: truly, a Fisher among Men!


Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day.

Teach a man to fish, and he'll furnish a house!



EMO would be so proud!  EMO's grandson Larry Clark receives a prestigious national business award...

EMO's grandson Larry Clark receives the National Association of Purchasing Managers' Purchasing Manager of the Year Award in Binghampton (6-2001)!  At the time of the award, Larry was Purchasing Manager for Burleigh Industries in July 2001 he returned after 19 years to teaching, accepting a new position on the full-time faculty of Sodus Senior High School outside of Lyons!



Caitlin & Courtney, Summer 2001

Check out EMO's great-grand-daughters & Pfohl cousins Caitlin Dorrance & Courtney Rickert enjoying a beautiful day up in Oswego!  Both are currently enrolled at SUNY-Oswego; Caitlin is a junior majoring in business, and Courtney is a sophomore majoring in psychology...let's get going on those tans, Ladies!


All the O'Donnell relatives are saddened to hear that Marjorie Burke died at home on 28 July 2001 at the age of 106.  Marjorie  was the daughter of Thomas Burke and 1st-cousin of E.M. O'Donnell.  She recently celebrated her 106th birthday (6 April 2001, see headline below).  Marjorie is survived by her younger sisters Anne Burke Gaughan (97) and Florence Burke (96).  Mary Montague tells us there was a non-stop line of visitors at the 31 July calling hours at the Tait Funeral Home in Cazenovia.  At the 1 August funeral mass at St. James (Cazenovia), Father Peter Worn said: "There were those in Cazenovia who might have thought she was a sweet, little old lady.  Little she was.  Old, probably.  Sweet?  Never!"  We now celebrate Marjorie's long, healthy life & peaceful passing.



Battle-tested veterans & EMO's great-grand-kids Chris & Kevin Murphy and Katie Montague hit the stage a-dancin' with the Drumcliffe School Alumni at St. Patrick's Summer Irish Festival (27 July 2001).  Tragically, full-time day jobs & adult entertainment have put a small dent in their spartan training.  Katie was a charter member of Edward Murphy's Drumcliffe School way back in 1986, and she retired this year at the Methuselahn age of 23.  Katie is a former North American Irish Dance Champion and she competed seven times in Oireachtas Rince Na Cruinne (Irish Dance All-World Championships in Cork, Ireland), most recently in 1999.  Kevin and Chris are also former North American Champions, and each competed three times in Oireachtas Rince Na Cruinne in Ireland.


Drumcliffe's Edward Murphy, A.D.C.R.G.  (center) with 1996 Eastern Oireachtas and North American Championship Senior 4-Hand Team (second from left: Katie Montague; far right Kevin Murphy).

Now, add five years, full-time jobs, a little draft beer & a few cigarettes, and...well, you get the alumni picture, don't you?

Well, the Syracuse Post Standard, among others, did make special note of Katie's dance!

Advice for beginning dancers: you don't want to see a review of your most recent dance performance written up in the local newspaper's crime-report page!


Also at the St. Pat's Festival we spotted EMO's grand-daughter Julie Quigley Smith, up from Shrewsbury, NJ...check out the family pix below, sent courtesy of hubbie Phil Smith (thanks, Phil!).  We also met up with Julie's sisters Buffy (with hubbie Joe Price, up from Tampa) and Marnie Quigley Kern (up from Oklahoma)...nice to see them all again!


Julie Quigley Smith & Phil Smith, with sons Phil-IV & Thomas. 


Maybe all the Quigley gals were at St. Pat's to see brother Jim?  Quigsy & the Bird (EMO's grandson Jim Quigley and Jerry Berdan with guest bassist Jerry Montague) entertained all and sundry with the best of Irish folk music...a great time was had by all!


Quigsy (Jim Quigley) & the Bird (Jerry Berdan) at St. Pat's 2001 Summer Irish Festival, with guest bassist Jerry Montague!

"Quigsy & the Bird are awesome!"  So say Jerry Montague & Ellen Flynn, while Martha McCarthy & Joe Price give a listen.

"Quigsy & the Bird are awesome!"  So say Conor & Kevin Murphy...and they're the toughest audience!

Quigsy navigates the treacherous waters of Otisco Lake (July 2001)!


EMO grand-daughter Anne Quigley Coley just sent along some recent pix (by way of hubbie Mike...thanks, Mike!):


Anne & Catie Coley

Catie & Mike Coley


The Clarks (Anne & Frank) vacationed again this July at Inlet (on 4th-Lake) in the Adirondacks.  Joining them were daughter Deb Clark O'Carroll (with hubbie Tom O'Carroll, up from Boston) and son Larry with his family (wife Margie & daughters Mary, Martha, and Emily).  Emily (EMO's great-grand daughter) brought along her hubbie Shaun & daughter are pending, of course!


Another one of EMO's great-grand daughters is a news item: Kristin Montague's Florida basketball team (Michigan Wolverines in the Cooper City Optimists Bronze Division) finished a very exciting season with a record of 1-12.  Kristin averaged 2.6 rebounds per game, and received the team's "Most Improved Rebounder" award.  Oh, and by the way, did we mention that her father (EMO's grandson Jeremy Montague) was the head coach?  It says here that coaching heads should roll after a 1-12 record!


The Mighty Wolverines!

Kristin & Dad


Cathy O'Donnell threw a lovely party on 19 July 2001 for Mary O'Donnell Montague's 80th birthday - Mary, by the way, will be celebrating her birthday throughout the year.


Mary looks over the fine spread laid on by Cathy O'Donnell!

Anne Clark, Mary Montague, and Cathy O'Donnell in a festive mood!  (19 July 2001)

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