January-June 2001

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Check out EMO's great-great-grandson Brendan Rewakowski!  He's celebrating his Christening at Ellen & Bob Flynn's (6 May 2001)!


Left-to-right, front: Conor Murphy, Chris Murphy, Mike Montague, Katie Montague, Kevin Montague, Pat Montague, and John Montague.  Left-to-right, kneeling: Sean Murphy, Tom Montague, and Mary Elizabeth Montague.  Left-to-right, back: Moira Murphy, Dan & Carrie Rewakowski (with Brendan), Great-Grandmother Mary O'Donnell Montague, Evan Flynn, and Bryce Flynn.


Mary Montague and Liz Hueber returned from yet one more trip to Ireland (May 11th to the 20th). Says Mary: "This time we took a tour sponsored by the Trinity College Alumnae (Trinity, Washington, NOT Trinity, Dublin). It was lovely -- we stayed in Country Manor Houses including Ballymalloe (my favorite). We met with Katharine Bulbulia and her daughter-in-law Katharine Jr., a teacher at Ballymalloe, and Wyn and Michael Reilly. There will be much more on the trip when I have finished my Journal."


Beth and Katie Montague each completed the grueling 26-mile run in the prestigious 2001 Leukemia Society Marathon at Disney World (January 2001).  They both finished together in just under five-and-a-half hours (easily beating their pre-run goal of six hours).  Well done, Ladies!


Beth, Katie & Minnie!  (Leukemia Society Disney Marathon, January 2001)


Mary Montague's son Jerry continues in his martial arts training.  In March 2001 he traveled to Deerfield Beach and captured the 2001 Florida State Tae Kwon Do Black-Belt Championship in the 50 & Up Heavyweight Division, defeating Master Sid Pascua in the Gold-Medal Finals.  Interestingly, Master Pascua (a 4th-Dan Black Belt from Tampa) was born in Syracuse!  It's a small world, no?


Left: Jeremy Montague with his Tae Kwon Do Instructor, Mr. Michael Flores.

Right: Jeremy with Master Sid Pascua.  "Life begins at 50!" say these two fine gentlemen!


A large number of O'Donnell descendants gathered at Mary Montague's place on December 30th 2000 for a pot-luck luncheon reunion.   As Pearl Mesta has said - "If  too many people are in too small a space - a great party can be expected!" And, so it was!!  There were Clarks, (Larry's group including Emily and Sean and new baby Paige), Pfohls (Dorrances, including newly engaged Bert Jr. and his Johanna, the Rickerts & the Christensens), and Montagues (Tom's, Jim's and Ellen Flynn's).


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