by PH.D. John R. Fanchi |
Energy: Technology and Directions
for the Future presents the fundamentals of energy for scientists
and engineers. It is a survey of energy sources that will be available
for use in the 21st century energy mix. The reader will learn about the
history and science of several energy sources as well as the technology
and social significance of energy. Themes in the book include
thermodynamics, electricity distribution, geothermal energy, fossil
fuels, solar energy, nuclear energy, alternate energy (wind, water,
biomass), energy and society, energy and the environment, sustainable
development, the hydrogen economy, and energy forecasting. The approach
is designed to present an intellectually rich and interesting text that
is also practical. |
by Frank Rosillo-Calle |
A case study of the bioenergy usage
and experience in Brazil, demonstrating the feasibility of using biomass
globally as a renewable energy resource in the future. For students in a
variety of disciplines, including environmental science and energy
management. |
by GAUR |
Helps engineers employ nonisothermal
kinetic techniques, mathematical models, & other parameter estimation
methods that facilitate the extrapolation of results obtained under
various conditions, & identify reaction mechanisms as well as determine
kinetic parameters accurately, & more. DLC: Fuel - Thermal properties. |
by A. V. Bridgwater |
This book is for chemical engineers,
fuel technologists, agricultural engineers and chemists in the
world-wide energy industry and in academic, research and government
institutions. It provides a thorough review of, and entry to, the
primary and review literature surrounding the subject. The authors are
internationally recognized experts in their field and combine to provide
both commercial relevance and academic rigor. Contributions are based
on papers delivered to the Fifth International Conference sponsored by
the IEA Bioenergy Agreement. |